The education landscape across Africa is changing. As result of that, the European Union (EU) leaders outlined a vision for education and culture development in across Africa. In its December 2017 Conclusions, the European Council called on EU Member States, the Council and the Commission to take forward a number of initiatives, including strengthening strategic partnerships across between the African and EU higher education institutions and encouraging the emergence by 2024 of some twenty ‘European Universities’, consisting in bottom-up networks of universities across the EU which will enable students to obtain a degree by combining studies in several African countries and contribute to the international competitiveness of European universities.

The Federation of African Universities (FAU) is serving the national higher education community through: expertise & trends analysis, publications & portals, advisory services, peer-to-peer learning, events as well as doing national, regional, continental and global level advocacy by developing African higher education system and their elective leaders.

The FAU is an outstanding initiative that brings together academics from different universities to work on issues of global importance. FAU founds the support from Angel network and EU to be very productive in terms of encouraging student and staff exchange, developing ideas for joint funding and publications, and building a broader network of academics within the FAU and beyond.

The ANGEL is the first network which creates ties among Global Education researchers in recent years the debate on global education and learning has gained momentum in the international and European educational and political spheres, becoming prominent in government, civil society, academic and educational discourses. In this context ANGEL aims at forging a European community of researchers and scholars in the field of GE, who, despite the existing important cooperation and personal links, do not benefit from a structural framework of support across Europe.

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